Blog News

March 31, 2014


Cats are very good at hiding signs of pain and discomfort. Reluctance to jump, an unkempt coat, avoiding play and petting, and crankiness may be indicators of arthritis. Check out this fabulous new website, Cats with arthritis, to help decide if your cat has arthritis.
March 26, 2014

Blood in the litter box

Cats pass blood in the urine for many different reasons. Older cats with kidney or bladder disease are prone to urinary tract infections. In younger cats it can be a sign of stress or anxiety. If a male cat is having trouble passing his urine or is passing blood it is an emergency and you should call us immediately. A urine sample and a chat with the person who spends the most time with the cat is essential to working out what the root cause of the problem is. Often we take the sample in the consult room. Sometimes the cat has to stay in hospital (like Leila above) until she builds up enough urine for us to sample. Once we have the urine we check it with a diagnostic stick and then stain it so we can see any cells, crystals or bacteria under the microscope. We can then target the problem with the best treatment and help you prevent it happening again.
March 23, 2014
old grumpy cat

Kitty on speed

Sometimes cats get more active and hyper as they get older - rushing up trees, attacking long term doggy and feline friends, resenting handling and generally being jumpy. If this is coupled with a big appetite and weight loss then we become suspicious of an overactive thyroid. Early detection and treatment prevents the more serious effects of hyperthyroidism. The overproduction of the thyroid hormone puts the whole body into overdrive. The heart beats more rapidly and can go out of rhythm. The kidneys and liver work harder causing increased thirst and urination. A busy stomach and intestine may produce vomiting and diarrhoea or accidents outside the litter box. Severely affected cats pant and neglect their grooming. Several treatment options are available. There's sure to be one that suits your cat and household situation.